Larix x eurolepis
Hybrid larch Ht 30-40m
(L decidua x L kaempferi) Narrowly conical, deciduous. Faster
growth, good form and valuable timber. Yellow-orange autumn colour, mid way between parents. Has done well in trials, out performing the parents. Expensive seed orchard seed.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Timber
- Christmas Trees
Acer davidii
David's maple Ht 10-15m
China. Broadly spreading, deciduous. A snake bark maple with vertical white stripes on green bark. Good autumn colour of red and orange in late May.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
Liquidambar styraciflua (PLUG grown)
American sweet gum Ht 25-35m
E USA. Broadly conical, deciduous. Renowned for its autumn colours of yellow, orange, red and purple. Prefers moist soils and can tolerate periodic inundation. Wood is valuable. 1 year old (covered through winter).
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates wet sites
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive autumn colours - purple
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Timber
- Container Grown
Diospyros kaki (PLUG grown)
Chinese persimmon Ht 6-12m
From China & Japan. Broadly spreading, deciduous. Round crowned tree. Flowers yellowish-white and fruits orange to gold-brown. Understock for named varieties.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive autumn colours - purple
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Attracts bees
- Edible fruits and seeds
- Container Grown
Carya ovata
Shagbark hickory Ht 20-30m
E. Nth America. Broadly columnar, deciduous. Straight trunk & lightly branched. Bark peels in vertical plates with age. Orange autumn colour, prized timber, nuts sweet & edible. Plant small, tap root must develop before height growth commences.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Edible fruits and seeds
- Timber
Fagus sylvatica (PLUG grown)
European beech Ht 30-40m
Broadly spreading, deciduous. Grown for timber in Europe and widely used for hedging. Clips well. Light green in spring, golden copper in autumn and brown leaves retained all winter. Apply a heavy dressing of lime on clay soils. HEDGE spacing 40-60cm
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates shade
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive autumn colours - brown
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Edible fruits and seeds
- Timber
- Shelter
- Container Grown
- Hedging
- Tolerates limestone soils
Populus tremuloides
Eastern American aspen Ht 20-30m
Broadly columnar, deciduous. Rapid growth, pale trunk. Root suckers form a clump around the original tree if not grazed off. Used to stabilise slip sites. Yellow & orange autumn colours. Origin: Appleton, Wisconsin, USA . Rooted topped @ 1m.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates wet sites
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Timber
- Erosion control
- Forestry species
Liquidambar styraciflua 1/1 & 2/0
American sweet gum (2 yrs old) Ht 25-35m
E USA. Broadly conical, deciduous. Renowned for its autumn colours of yellow, orange, red and purple. Prefers moist soils and can tolerate periodic inundation. Wood is valuable. 2 years old.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates wet sites
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive autumn colours - purple
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Timber
Fagus sylvatica 1/1 & 2/0
European beech (2 yrs old) Ht 30-40m
Broadly spreading, deciduous. Grown for timber in Europe and widely used for hedging. Clips well. Light green in spring, golden copper in autumn and brown leaves retained all winter. Apply a heavy dressing of lime on clay soils. 2 years old - HEDGE spacing 40-60cm
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates shade
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive autumn colours - brown
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Edible fruits and seeds
- Timber
- Shelter
- Hedging
- Tolerates limestone soils
Cornus sericea 'Flaviramera'
Golden stemmed dogwood Ht 1.5-2.5m
Nth America. Suckering deciduous shrub, young shoots yellow to olive green, very effective in winter particularly when planted with red-stemmed dogwoods. Ideal for moist situations.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Shrub
- Deciduous
- Tolerates wet sites
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone