Zelkova serrata
Japanese keake Ht 25-30m
Broadly spreading, deciduous. Fine avenue tree in Canberra with ascending branches and weeping branchlets. Tolerates dry conditions, prefers moist soils. Decorative hardwood timber.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates dry sites
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive to birds
Ulmus `Frontier'
Hybrid elm (U. carpinifolia x parvifolia) Ht 10-15m
Broadly columnar, deciduous. An artificial cross producing an attractive young tree with drooping branchlets and bronzy-red autumn colours. Ultimate size not known. Elm timber is prized for furniture.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Erosion control
Stewartia pseudocamellia
Japanese stewartia Ht 10 -15m
The Japanese Stewartia is a tree found in most Arboretums around the world due to it's ornamental peeling bark and camelia-like flowers. Added to this is the stunning red-orange autumn colours. As a forest dweller it's not a tree for an exposed position.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- NZ native
- Deciduous
- Intolerant to clay soils
- Tolerates shade
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Container Grown
Sorbus aucuparia
Rowan Ht 5-15m
European mountain ash. Broadly conical deciduous. Leaves pinnate turning orange in colder areas. White flowers in clusters then red berries. Suited to colder areas. Berries rich in vitamin C for jelly and herbal remedies.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates exposed sites
- Tolerates dry sites
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Attracts bees
- Edible fruits and seeds
Quercus rubra
Red oak Ht 25-30m
Central & E USA. Broadly spreading, deciduous. Large lobed leaves red and brown in autumn. More cold hardy than Quercus coccinea. Acorns bitter not favoured by ducks. Grown for timber in Europe tolerating air pollution. Seedlings shade tolerant.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates shade
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive autumn colours - brown
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Timber
- Erosion control
Quercus montana (syn. prinus)
Chestnut or Rock oak Ht 15-24m
Eastern USA. Broadly conical, straight trunk, deciduous. Tolerates dry sandy and gravelly soils, best on deeper soils. Little troubled by diseases or insects. Deeply and coarsely furrowed bark rich in tannins. Sweet acorns, Rare in NZ.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates wet sites
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive to birds
- Timber
Quercus palustris
Pin oak Ht 25-35m
N E USA. Vigorous grower, strong central leader to the top with long, horizontally layered branches giving this large tree distinctive appearance. Autumn colour rusty orange/red fading to brown. Prefers moist, rich, deep, well drained, acid soils.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates wet sites
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Timber
- Erosion control
- Forestry species
Quercus ellipsoidalis
Northern pin oak Ht 20-25m
Nth central USA. Upright, broadly spreading, deciduous. Occurs in colder areas than Q. coccinea. Good straight growth in NZ. The brightest scarlet autumn display, showing drought and heat tolerance. Native to alkaline soils. Elliptic, chestnut brown acorns.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates dry sites
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Timber
Quercus coccinea
Scarlet oak Ht 20-25m
E USA. Upright, broadly spreading, deciduous. Foliage dark glossy green turning to a brilliant scarlet autumn colour. Less vigorous and shy acorn producer in colder areas.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Timber
Quercus alba (PLUG grown)
American white oak Ht 30m
Broadly columnar, deciduous. Famous for its quality timber and large size in America. NZ produced 1 year seedlings are still small compared to other oaks. They show signs of producing red autumn colours. Much in demand and rarely available.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive autumn colours - brown
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Timber
- Container Grown