All Species
Displaying 161 - 170 of 435
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Eucalyptus fastigata (PLUG grown)
Brown barrel Ht 40-60m
Large tree / Evergreen / Tolerates dry sites / Attractive flowers or catkins / Attracts bees / Timber / Container Grown / Forestry species
Monocalypt, generally free of insect pests. New South Wales tablelands to E. Victoria. Tall forest evergreen tree. stringybark over whole trunk. Stable timber prized for decorative flooring. Potential for large volume carbon credits. Recovers well from fire. Healthy over most of NZ. Recommend planting in early Spring after chance of frosts.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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Eucalyptus globoidea (PLUG grown)
White stringybark Ht 30-40m
Large tree / Evergreen / Tolerates dry sites / Timber / Firewood / Container Grown / Forestry species
Monocalypt, generally free of insect pests. S.E.Australia. Tall rough barked ground durable with proven good sawing and
drying properties. Very hard heavy, attractive timber. Grows well on hill country where temperatures do not go below -5C. Rainfall 800-2500mm, coppices, resprouts epicormics after fire. Recommend planting in early Spring after chance of frosts.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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Eucalyptus macrorhyncha (PLUG grown)
Red stringybark Ht 30-35m
Monocalypt, generally free of insect pests. Victoria and NSW in lower ranges and tablelands on poor dry soils, prefer low humidity, cold to -8C. Medium sized tree with rough fibrous stringy bark, timber is red, most suited to above ground exterior uses. Forms a lignotuber. Recommend planting in early Spring after chance of frosts.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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Eucalyptus muelleriana (PLUG grown)
Yellow stringybark Ht 35-50m
Large tree / Evergreen / Tolerates dry sites / Attractive flowers or catkins / Attracts bees / Timber / Firewood / Container Grown / Forestry species
Monocalypt, generally free of insect pests. Native to coastal areas of southern NSW & S.E. Victoria. Good drought and exposure tolerance, 700-1200mm rainfall, vigorous epicormics after fire and coppices. Low frost tolerance, use north facing slopes and not water logged soils. Timber is tough, straight grained splits well, develops heartwood early & saws well. Durable for above ground exterior uses and flooring. Does not shed bark. Recommend planting in early Spring after chance of frosts.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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Eucalyptus nitens (PLUG grown)
Shining gum Ht to 70m
Large tree / Evergreen / Tolerates wet sites / Attractive flowers or catkins / Attractive to birds / Attracts bees / Timber / Firewood / Shelter / Container Grown
Symphyomyrtus, more prone to insect attack. Mountains of Victoria. Broadly conical when young, grows rapidly, cold hardy to -12C, best in regular rainfall at higher altitude. Unthrifty by age 20 at low altitude in warmer districts, but yields a lot of firewood. Low tolerance to drought. 700-1750mm rainfall, not for coastal sites, easily killed by fire. Grows to 1300m altitude, and in Westland on well drained soils. Timber non-durable used for flooring, furniture, saws well, needs careful drying. Sheds long strips of bark, coppicing less reliable.
Recommend planting in early Spring after chance of frosts.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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Eucalyptus obliqua (PLUG grown)
Messmate stringybark Ht 30-60m
Monocalypt, generally free of insect pests. Coast and lower ranges of Victoria, NSW, and most of Tasmania, in wet to fairly dry forest on fertile soils. Tolerates frost to -10C and altitude to 1200m. Can grow to 89m, tall staight tree with rough fibrous bark, pale moderately hard and strong timber that saws and seasons well. Suitable for interior construction and flooring sold as Tasmanian oak. Forms a lignotuber, sprouts epicormic shoots after fire Recommend planting in early Spring after chance of frosts.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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Eucalyptus ovata (PLUG grown)
Swamp gum Ht 20-30m
Medium tree / Evergreen / Tolerates wet sites / Attractive flowers or catkins / Attractive to birds / Attracts bees / Firewood / Container Grown
Symphyomyrtus, more prone to insect attack. Coast areas of South Victoria, S.E. NSW and Eastern Tasmania on poorly drained flats. Tolerates cold winds and frosts to -10C. Medium sized tree with smooth bark. Reliable coppicing species for firewood production. White flowers March to June loved by bees. Recommend planting in early Spring after chance of frosts.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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Eucalyptus regnans (PLUG grown)
Mountain ash Ht 90m
Large tree / Evergreen / Attractive flowers or catkins / Attracts bees / Timber / Container Grown / Forestry species
Monocalypt, generally free of insect pests..Tallest hardwood tree, native to mountain ranges of Southern Victoria and Tasmania. Grows on fertile soils with regular rainfall. Higher altitude origins tolerate snow and frost. Valuable pale timber for interior building, marketed as Tasmanian oak. Flowers in summer. More detail in MPI booklet 'Growing Alternative Exotic Forest Species'. Recommend planting in early Spring after chance of frosts.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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Eucalyptus saligna (PLUG grown)
Sydney blue gum Ht 30-55m
Large tree / Evergreen / Tolerates dry sites / Attracts bees / Timber / Container Grown / Forestry species
Symphyomyrtus, more prone to insect attack, palatable to possums Grows from Batemans Bay NSW, to Central Queensland within 120km of the coast. Excellent growth and form, produces a lignotuber. Best planted on warm sheltered fairly fertile deep moist soils. Plant 1600 per ha. and thin down to 500 selecting biggest straight trees. Timber heavy, fairly hard, coarse, even texture, easy to work, rich red moderately durable heartwood, for flooring & furniture. Flowers Dec to March. Recommend planting in early Spring after chance of frosts.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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Eucalyptus sphaerocarpa (PLUG grown)
Blackdown stringybark Ht 35-45m
Large tree / Evergreen / Attractive flowers or catkins / Attracts bees / Timber / Container Grown / Forestry species
Monocalypt, generally free of insect pests. Tall evergreen forest tree from Blackdown Tableland at 1000m altitude west of Rockhampton. See NZ Farm Forestry article on this very ground durable species. Dean Satchell says it is growing in the north of the South Island. Suggest a warm well drained site.
Recommend planting in early Spring after chance of frosts.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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