Quercus germana (OG grown)
Mexican royal oak
An evergreen red oak from the mountain cloud forest zone. Large
acorn almost enclosed by the cup. Another rare oak worthy of a trial.
Group trees and shrubs:
Podocarpus henkelii (POT grown)
Henkel's yellow wood Ht 20-30m
South African evergreen, straight trunk and pyramid shape with long slender drooping leaves. Popular ornamental and screeningtree in mild districts.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Evergreen
- Attractive to birds
- Container Grown
Quercus xalapensis (PLUG grown)
Xalapa oak - red oak group Ht 25m
Broadly spreading, evergreen. Sweet chestnut shaped leaf, not
colourful when young at Hackfalls. Producing acorns while still
young. Sheds its leaves in Spring.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Evergreen
- Container Grown
Quercus affinis (POT grown)
Mexican holly-leaf oak
Broadly conical, evergreen. Good central leader on young trees. Young leaves coppery-red turning green at full size, turning yellow in Sping before falling. Rare in N.Z.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Evergreen
- Tolerates dry sites
- Timber
- Container Grown
- Tolerates pumice soils
Pinus armandii (POT grown)
Armand's pine Ht 20m
W China, Formosa & Korea. Broadly conical, evergreen. Needles in 5's 10-15cm long, blue green. Cones attractive green, barrel shaped 14-19cm long. Edible un-winged seeds fall to the ground. Prized in Asia. The first tree Eric grew at 16!
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Evergreen
- Tolerates dry sites
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Edible fruits and seeds
Betula platyphylla
Manchurian birch Ht 15-25m
Broadly conical, deciduous. Bark white, with horizontal marks retained to ground level into old age. Chalky white powder rubs off the bark. Bright yellow autumn colour. Vigorous and rust free.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Timber
- Firewood
- Erosion control
- Shelter
Alnus nitida
Himalayan alder Ht 20-25m
Broadly conical, deciduous. Attractive long male catkins produced in autumn. Dired by Bee keepers due to high quality pollen in the Autumn. Suited to warmer districts.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates wet sites
- Tolerates exposed sites
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Firewood
- Shelter
Carya ovata
Shagbark hickory Ht 20-30m
E. Nth America. Broadly columnar, deciduous. Straight trunk & lightly branched. Bark peels in vertical plates with age. Orange autumn colour, prized timber, nuts sweet & edible. Plant small, tap root must develop before height growth commences.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Edible fruits and seeds
- Timber
Quercus bambusifolia (PLUG grown)
Bamboo-leaf evergreen oak Ht to 20m
Medium size evergreen oak from the warmer parts of China, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hong Kong and north of Vietnam. Grows on ridge tops and slopes in mature or primary tropical & subtropical forest at 500-2200m. Leaves narrow and hang down. Growing at Eastwoodhill, none have survived outside in the UK.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Evergreen
- Container Grown
Cunninghamia lanceolata (OG grown)
Chinese fir Ht 20-30m
Broadly conical, evergreen. Sharp tipped strap-shaped leaves, green in summer, bronze in cold climates in winter. Does best in fertile soils. Good stand of timber on waterworks land near New Plymouth.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Evergreen
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Timber
- Container Grown