Acer davidii
David's maple Ht 10-15m
China. Broadly spreading, deciduous. A snake bark maple with vertical white stripes on green bark. Good autumn colour of red and orange in late May.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
Tristaniopsis laurina (PLUG grown)
Water gum Ht 4-9m
Native to coastal NSW and along streamsides. Evergreen
with yellow flowers in early summer, attractive to honey
bees. Useful shade and street tree tolerating dry climates.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- Evergreen
- Tolerates dry sites
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Attracts bees
- Container Grown
Quercus peduncularis (PLUG grown)
A Mexican white oak
A white oak from Mexico with thick leathery leaves, growing in a range of soils. Leaves similar in shape to Q. canariensis.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates wet sites
- Tolerates dry sites
- Container Grown
Idesia polycarpa (PLUG grown)
Chinese wonder tree Ht 8-15m
Broadly spreading, deciduous. Branches in whorls with clear trunk between. Large heart shaped leaves and hanging clusters of red berries on female trees, untouched by birds for many months.Young plants frost tender, hardier with age.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Container Grown
Diospyros kaki (PLUG grown)
Chinese persimmon Ht 6-12m
From China & Japan. Broadly spreading, deciduous. Round crowned tree. Flowers yellowish-white and fruits orange to gold-brown. Understock for named varieties.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive autumn colours - purple
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Attracts bees
- Edible fruits and seeds
- Container Grown
Cercis canadensis (PLUG grown)
East American redbud Ht 5-10m
Broadly spreading, deciduous. Attractive pin pea-like flowers in clusters along the old shoots, branches and trunk before, and as, the leaves emerge. Natural habitat in moist woods. Predominantly used for rootstock for budding 'Forest Pansy'
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates shade
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Attracts bees
- Container Grown
Thuja occidentalis fastigiata
Columnar white cedar Ht 3-5m
Very narrow columnar dense evergreen conifer. Foliage bronze in winter. Great feature tree or dense easy care hedge which doesn't need trimming. Tolerates a wide range of soil conditions. Cold hardy. Planting spacing for dense hedge 50-75cm
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- Evergreen
- Tolerates wet sites
- Tolerates exposed sites
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Shelter
- Hedging
- Tolerates limestone soils
Sorbus aucuparia
Rowan Ht 5-15m
European mountain ash. Broadly conical deciduous. Leaves pinnate turning orange in colder areas. White flowers in clusters then red berries. Suited to colder areas. Berries rich in vitamin C for jelly and herbal remedies.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates exposed sites
- Tolerates dry sites
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Attracts bees
- Edible fruits and seeds
Plagianthus regius (PLUG grown)
Manatu or Ribbonwood Ht 10-15m
Narrowly conical initially then broadly spreading, deciduous. Small juvenile leaves and vigorous narrow erect habit make it ideal as a nurse tree for more tender plants. NZ wide except the driest coldest parts.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- NZ native
- Deciduous
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Erosion control
- Shelter
- Container Grown
Prunus lusitanica (PLUG grown))
Portuguese laurel Ht 8-12m
Broadly spreading, evergreen. Dark green shiny leaves 6-12cm long. Twigs red. Small white flowers on 25cm spreading racemes. Red to black cherries in Feb/Mar. Good screening tree and popular hedging plant. Cold hardy, tolerates lime.
PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS: Handle promptly on arrival DO NOT let the roots dry out. If potting, press the potting medium firmly around each plant. Water after potting and regularly for 10 days. especially during dry windy weather. Put under shadecloth if possible. If planting in the open, really firm the soil around each plant using your heel, then water fairly regularly until established. HEDGE spacing 60-90cm
Group trees and shrubs:
- Small Tree
- Evergreen
- Tolerates exposed sites
- Tolerates dry sites
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Attracts bees
- Edible fruits and seeds
- Shelter
- Container Grown
- Hedging