Quercus petraea x robur (ex Greta Valley)
Hybrid English oak (ex Greta Valley) Ht 25-35m
2nd generation hybrids. Broadly spreading crown with strong central leader, a feature coming from the Q. petraea parent.Thrives in a wide range of conditions. Heavy acorn production for domestic stock and wildlife. Recommended for timber - Grown for specific customers ie: Kingheim etc. - NOT ADVERTISED
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates exposed sites
- Tolerates dry sites
- Attractive autumn colours - brown
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Timber
- Erosion control
- Forestry species
- Tolerates pumice soils
Acer palmatum ex Osakazuki
Japanese Maple - Crimson red in autumn Ht 3-5m
Japan, amoenum type with 7 lobed leaves, olive-orange when unfolding, bright green through summer, crimson red in autumn. Grows like a tree-like shrub, rather upright, but wider with age. ONLY 5 PLANTS AVAILABLE
Group trees and shrubs:
- Shrub
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - red
Celtis australis
Mediterranean hackberry Ht 15-25m
S Europe & W Asia. Broadly spreading, deciduous. From a straight trunked tree at Eastwoodhill. Smooth grey trunk. Small, dark red, sweet fruits taken by birds. A city street tree. Wood is hard.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates dry sites
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
Amelanchier x grandiflora
Hybrid serviceberry Ht 4-6m
N.E.America. Erect, bushy, deciduous. A natural hybrid between A. arborea & A. laevis with larger white flowers from pink buds in spring, Sweet berries turn purple and are eaten by birds. Yellow and red autumn colours. Seedlings from 'Autumn Brilliance'.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Shrub
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Attractive to birds
- Attracts bees
Larix x eurolepis
Hybrid larch Ht 30-40m
(L decidua x L kaempferi) Narrowly conical, deciduous. Faster
growth, good form and valuable timber. Yellow-orange autumn colour, mid way between parents. Has done well in trials, out performing the parents. Expensive seed orchard seed.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Large tree
- Deciduous
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive autumn colours - orange
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Timber
- Christmas Trees
Quercus x humidicola (PLUG grown)
Mounds Oak Ht 20-25m
A hybrid between Quercus bicolor & Q. lyrata prefering wet sites. A white oak whose acorns are readily eaten by ducks & wildlife. ONLY ONE PLANT
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates wet sites
- Attractive to birds
- Container Grown
Quercus glabrescens (PLUG grown)
Mexican white oak Ht 5-20m
Mexico.at 2500 - 3400m. Broadly spreading, deciduous. Stiff leathery leaves, hardy, growing slowly in Holland. ONLY 4 PLANTS
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Deciduous
- Container Grown
Cercidiphyllum japonicum (PLUG grown)
Katsura tree Ht 15-30m
Himalaya to Japan. Broadly spreading, deciduous. Attractive layered foliage on branches tending to droop, turning yellow, pink or purple in autumn and giving off a strong gingerbread scent. Must have moist soils.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Medium tree
- Deciduous
- Tolerates shade
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive autumn colours - red
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Container Grown
Quercus germana (OG grown)
Mexican royal oak
An evergreen red oak from the mountain cloud forest zone. Large
acorn almost enclosed by the cup. Another rare oak worthy of a trial. ONLY 14 PLANTS
Group trees and shrubs:
Cornus mas
Cornelian cherry Ht 3-5m
Central and Sth Europe. Broadly conical, deciduous. Small clusters of tiny yellow flowers on bare branches in winter. Red or orange glossy fruits in January/February are sour but edible and used for conserves. Good shelter screen.
Group trees and shrubs:
- Shrub
- Deciduous
- Tolerates dry sites
- Attractive autumn colours - yellow
- Attractive flowers or catkins
- Attractive to birds
- Attractive berries fruits or cone
- Attracts bees
- Edible fruits and seeds
- Shelter