All Species
Displaying 351 - 353 of 353
Vitex lucens (POT grown)
Puriri Ht 10-20m
Medium tree / NZ native / Evergreen / Attractive to birds / Attractive berries fruits or cone / Attracts bees / Timber / Container Grown
Endemic evergreen tree with spreading crown, pale flaky
bark over knobbly trunk. Pink bell-shaped flowers, loved
by tui and bellbirds, then red fruits loved by kereru. Suited
to warm coastal districts, not frost hardy. We need to dispatch in Autumn.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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$0.00$0.00 -
$5.20$3.55 -
$0.00$0.00 -
$0.00$0.00 -
$0.00$0.00 -
$0.00$0.00 -
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Wisteria sinensis
Chinese wisteria (ex seed) Ht 5-10m
Climber / Deciduous / Tolerates dry sites / Attractive autumn colours - yellow / Attractive flowers or catkins / Attractive berries fruits or cone / Attracts bees
Vigorous climber, twining anti-clockwise, deciduous. Will climb into a tree and can be trained on a pergola or fence. Fragrant mauve flowers in long racemes before the leaves.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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Zelkova serrata
Japanese keake Ht 25-30m
Large tree / Deciduous / Tolerates dry sites / Attractive autumn colours - yellow / Attractive autumn colours - orange / Attractive autumn colours - red / Attractive to birds
Broadly spreading, deciduous. Fine avenue tree in Canberra with ascending branches and weeping branchlets. Tolerates dry conditions, prefers moist soils. Decorative hardwood timber.
Multiples of 10
Price per tree: 10-40
Price per tree: 50+
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